Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The System Has Failed

“A systemic failure has occurred, and I consider that totally unacceptable,” said President Obama.

On hearing the President, the first thought that came into my head was not “What? Not Again!” After Vietnam, Iraq, and the Financial Crisis of 2008, I am sorry to say that I am half-expecting that kinds of outcomes and statements.

But really why are we continuing to make the same kind of mistakes? That I don’t know, and I dearly wish to know.

The name of my blog itself was dedicated to highlighting that particular obsession of mine, viz. “Why aren’t we (or why can’t we) “connect the dots?””

That has also been the point of my question #12 from my previous post: Something to Think About.

However, I am glad to note that after the Financial Crisis of 2008, persons of statures and broadcast powers are also concerning themselves with these types of questions.

I have tried to honor the Queen Elizabeth of England and the Representative Sarbanes from the 3rd district of Baltimore, Maryland by listing their respective statements as questions #1 and #2 in my essentially private posts.

But I hope that I have not spoiled Her Majesty’s incisive statement by paraphrasing it into a prose that only academically inclined can love.

As for Congressman Sarbanes, I was thrilled to hear him say that he will not accept answers that essentially said: “It’s not my job!” (RIP Freddie Prinze!) or “It’s not my specialty!” (See the post The Queen and Mr. Sarbanes.) The congressman was right to reject bureaucratic sparrings from infecting the hearings from the outset.

Bravo to both!

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